CS 381 - Homework 8
Now that the Homework 8 submission period is over, you can now see the code for the backend (and frontend!) that powers this page here: https://github.com/ericswpark/purdue_cs381-hw8
Question 1
Update (2024-10-20 18:29) - You can now see the ordering of the drinks as required by the handout. Note that the algorithm processes the input array sequentially, but your greedy algorithm may have different orderings for orders depending on the start time and duration.
If you are using Firefox on Android, form validation won’t work, so the form won’t submit if you enter invalid values and not tell you why. This is not my fault. There is a longstanding (6 years long) bug open on their Bugzilla.
Warning: while care has been taken to verify the algorithm, the answer this page gives may be incorrect. Do not use this as the sole verification for your answers. I am not responsible for any lost points on your homework.