Sometimes you have to run a bunch of commands that you would rather not get saved to your terminal history, such as commands that manage GPG keys, for example. In which case, the following snippet might be useful for you.
Add the following to .zshrc
if you use zsh
, or .bashrc
(or even .bash_profile
) if you use bash
function incognito() {
export PROMPT='[INCOGNITO] %n@%m %1~ %# '
You may need to edit PROMPT
to say PS1
depending on the terminal you are using. I’ve borrowed the PS1
prompt from the default set on macOS. Edit to your liking and OS defaults if desired.
Now, when you run incognito
, the current terminal session will not get saved to the history file. Happy coding!
If you would like an explanation as to how this works, it’s quite simple. Terminals use a history file, such as .bash_history
or .zsh_history
to record your previous commands so that you can bring them up with the history
command or the Ctrl-R keystroke (reverse search through your command history). This is set in the HISTFILE
variable, and unsetting it prevents the terminal from finding the history file, which means your current session is not saved.
If you have Powerlevel10k (a ZSH theme) installed like I do, the prompt customization with export PROMPT
won’t work. Thankfully, the theme is awesome, and it lets you define custom segments to put on your prompt bar.
Edit ~/.p10k.zsh
and add the following to the end:
# Custom incognito segment
function prompt_is_incognito_mode() {
if (( ! ${+HISTFILE} )); then
p10k segment -f red -i '🥷'
Then find the part that defines POWERLEVEL9K_LEFT_PROMPT_ELEMENTS
and add is_incognito_mode
to the front (or anywhere you prefer):
# The list of segments shown on the left. Fill it with the most important segments.
# Incognito mode indicator
# =========================[ Line #1 ]=========================
# os_icon # os identifier
dir # current directory
vcs # git status
# =========================[ Line #2 ]=========================
newline # \n
prompt_char # prompt symbol
Also, you can change the incognito
function in ~/.zshrc
like this:
# Function for "incognito" mode
function incognito() {
echo "Done! This terminal session will not be recorded into history."
Now, when you run incognito
, you’ll be greeted by this cute little ninja:
> incognito
Done! This terminal session will not be recorded into history.
🥷 | ~